5 ways to peacefully live with wolves

Dopo le ultime uccisioni avvenute nella Maremma toscana, il Wwf si mobilita e suggerisce 5 interventi mirati per una convivenza pacifica tra uomo e lupo.

It seems to be back in the past, when wolves used to attack villages for livestock, putting entire families on their knees. Loosing animals meant hunger. Thus, the systematic wolf hunting became the public display of man’s strength on the wild animal.


This is what is happing in the area of the Maremma, Tuscany, Italy. “From the 70’s we haven’t assisted to such fury on a symbol species,” said Dante Caserta, President of WWF Italy. “These repeated poaching actions must be condemned, and no situation can justify them. The species has been on the brink of extinction for decades, but now the wolf rebounded in mountainous areas thanks to the efforts of associations, institutions and research activities.”


The WWF suggests 5 actions for a peaceful cohabitation among wolves, tourism and cattle livestock.


1. PROTECTION. Incentivise and adopt anti-poaching systems, able to protect breeding farms from undesired intrusions that could be dangerous for livestock.


2. COMPENSATION. Ease the access to compensations for the damages caused by possible attacks, by reducing red tape.


3. ESTRAYS. Effectively manage pets, in order to fight the phenomenon of stray animals, which can often be confused with wild animals’ attacks.


4. MONITORING. Create a coordinated network to register the damages and to promote concrete interventions that allow helping farmers in mitigating damages.


5. INTRUDERS. When verified, intervene to remove wild wolf-dog hybrids that could represent a threat to livestock and to the conservation of the wolf species itself.

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