
Questions migrants have for Italians

I’m Rumanian, why do you call me Rom? Why are you a very Catholic country and still so blasphemous? These are just some of the questions that some migrants of the Gruppo Laici Terzo Mondo and the Centro di Accoglienza per Richiedenti Asilo of Marechiaro, Italy, asked to Italians. Their questions are many, but all earnest.

I’m Rumanian, why do you call me Rom? Why are you a very Catholic country and still so blasphemous? These are just some of the questions that some migrants of the Gruppo Laici Terzo Mondo and the Centro di Accoglienza per Richiedenti Asilo of Marechiaro, Italy, asked to Italians. Their questions are many, but all earnest. Moreover, they have an eye opening effect even on those people who consider themselves to be really open minded. An example, why don’t we understand the difference between migrants and refugees?

The video was produced by The Jackal and comes in the wake of the ironic videos published by the American website BuzzFeed, aimed at highlighting stereotypes and clichés whilst trying to combating them.

The footage ends with a quote by Moroccan writer Tahar Ben Jelloun: “You’re always a foreigner to someone else”.

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