Red rice with Brussels sprouts

The red rice with Brussel sprouts can be served warm or cold as a fancy rice salad.


Ingredients for red rice with Brussels sprouts

For two servings

1 cup of whole red rice

100 g of Brussels sprouts

1 clove of garlic

40 g of dried cranberries

40 g of shelled walnuts

olive oil


Wash the red rice and put it in a small pot, then cover with water. Cook over low heat. The rice must absorb all the water. Add water if necessary and simmer until well cooked.

Put the oil and a clove of garlic in a pan. Wash and clean the Brussels sprouts, cut them into four pieces and sautée until golden brown but not burnt. Season with salt and sprinkle with pepper.

When the rice is cooked, sautée it in the pan with the Brussels sprouts, add thhe cranberries and walnuts and cook for a few minutes.

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