![Good Country Index, the ranking of the best countries in the world](https://cdn.lifegate.it/5psAWzDHIOyS6-i5txiL1tlOCiU=/470x315/smart/https://www.lifegate.com/app/uploads/ING_33594_85358.jpg, https://cdn.lifegate.it/aoWfI5c38hzLBj7_fWOi-42PZnM=/940x630/smart/https://www.lifegate.com/app/uploads/ING_33594_85358.jpg 2x)
The index examines how nations contribute to “the common good of humanity” measuring their wellbeing, equality, CO2 reduction. Sweden is ranked first.
He has been unrelentingly helping “the victims of conflict and injustice” since 1994, year of the foundation of non-governmental organisation EMERGENCY. He provides medical care for free to anyone in need, without political, ideological, religious, or racial discrimination, “while fearlessly addressing the causes of war”. For these reasons and for his great humanity, the war surgeon
He has been unrelentingly helping “the victims of conflict and injustice” since 1994, year of the foundation of non-governmental organisation EMERGENCY. He provides medical care for free to anyone in need, without political, ideological, religious, or racial discrimination, “while fearlessly addressing the causes of war”. For these reasons and for his great humanity, the war surgeon Gino Strada has been awarded the Right Livelihood Award 2015, often referred to as “Alternative Nobel Prize”, which each year honours and support “those offering practical and exemplary answers to the most urgent challenges facing us today”.
Emergency runs 60 hospitals, clinics, and first aid posts, often in collaboration with local authorities, with the aim to transfer medical knowledge and expertise to local health service professionals. Over 21 years of activity, the NGO attended more than 6 million people. The President of Emergency is Cecilia Strada, daughter of Gino and Teresa Sarti who was president since its foundation until she passed away in September 2009.
Alongside Gino Strada, the jury recognised Sheila Watt-Cloutier, from Canada, “for her lifelong work to protect the Inuit of the Arctic and defend their right to maintain their livelihoods and culture, which are acutely threatened by climate change”; and Kasha Jacqueline Nabagesera, from Uganda, “for her courage and persistence, despite violence and intimidation, in working for the right of LGBTI people to a life free from prejudice and persecution”. The three prize winning people will share the cash award of 3 million SEK, i.e. about 320,000 euros. Moreover, it was the first time that an Italian and a Ugandan have been honoured this award.
The Honorary Award went to Tony De Brum and the people of the Marshall Islands “in recognition of their vision and courage to take legal action against the nuclear powers for failing to honour their disarmament obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty”. The official ceremony will be held on 30 November in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. The Right Livelihood Award was founded in 1980, and it is annually presented in the Swedish Parliament. This year alone, there were 128 proposals from 53 countries.
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The index examines how nations contribute to “the common good of humanity” measuring their wellbeing, equality, CO2 reduction. Sweden is ranked first.
Amnesty International denuncia la strage in corso nello stato africano, dove gli albini vengono uccisi e fatti a pezzi per fabbricare talismani impiegati nella medicina tradizionale.
The UN denounced 44 cases of sexual abuse by the blue helmets so far this year. Only few of them have been punished.
Garamba National Park, Democratic Republic of the Congo, is one of the most important and ancient natural parks in Equatorial Africa. It is home to a huge variety of wildlife including elephants, lions, giraffes, hippos and white rhinos. More precisely, it is home to what’s left of these animals’ ancient populations, after decades of relentless poaching.
Bernie Sanders is the most progressive candidate in the list of names who race to become the next President of the United States. The elections are scheduled for 8 November 2016.
L’ex ambasciatore italiano in Costa d’Avorio Paolo Sannella ha fatto chiarezza su cosa lega gli attacchi di Parigi all’attentato di Bamako, in Mali. L’apparenza inganna ancora una volta.
From 25 to 30 November, the head of the Catholic Church will be on a mission in the African continent: he will visit Kenya, Central African Republic, and Uganda. It is Pope Francis’ first trip to Africa and the tour has been confirmed despite the recent terror attacks carried out all over the world. Moreover,
A meeting between environmental, scientific and government organisations has yielded a programme to protect gorillas and chimpanzees.
Climate change is threatening the whole world population. On one hand, there are vulnerable countries to climate change, on the other, countries ready to face the issues caused by climate extremes and global warming. The ND-Gain matrix, developed in 1995 by the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, United States, ranks countries from the most prepared