The lives of millions of little chickens will be spared every year thanks to new technology determining their gender before they hatch.
Peruvian scientist shot a hummingbird sleeping, or better, snoring. Exactly like humans, these extraordinary birds produce sounds, such as snoring when they sleep heavy. The noise is even more annoying than that of humans. The video has been broadcasted by the TV programme Super Cute Animals of the British channel BBC One. Translated by Camilla
Peruvian scientist shot a hummingbird sleeping, or better, snoring. Exactly like humans, these extraordinary birds produce sounds, such as snoring when they sleep heavy. The noise is even more annoying than that of humans. The video has been broadcasted by the TV programme Super Cute Animals of the British channel BBC One.
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The lives of millions of little chickens will be spared every year thanks to new technology determining their gender before they hatch.
The sighting of Sampal off the coast of South Korea confirms that reintroduced dolphins can survive, breed and have a family.
Long journeys can represent a source of stress for pets, especially those by plane and if animals fly as cargo. Usually, airlines apply restrictive policies on animal transport, but something is finally changing. The US airline Delta decided that dogs will no longer fly in the cargo hold, but they will be allowed in
The city’s move is aimed to crack down on pet shops that sell animals form commercial breeders and promote adoptions from shelters.
No matter if you’re a kid or an adult, the loss of a pet is always a devastating moment. Despite it’s a natural transition, as life and death are complementary aspects of life, mourning requires time. Today’s society, based on the concept of productivity, lacks to offer adequate space and time to manage
Joao Pereira de Souza ha salvato questo pinguino nel 2011. Da quel momento Dindim torna ogni anno a passare l’estate dal pescatore. Cosa dimostra questa storia?
A population of cats of any race and colour lives or better rules the mile-long Aoshima Island, in the Ehime prefecture, Southern Japan. In 1945, a small colony of cats was introduced to oppose the presence of mice that were plaguing fishermen’s boats. At that time, 900 people inhabited the island. Today, proportions have changed. Felines increased
Lo sostiene un nuovo studio condotto dagli scienziati dell’Università di Calgary e della Uc Davis che “smonta” una credenza molto diffusa.
La foto scattata nel Queensland, in Australia, ritrae un canguro che abbraccia la compagna senza vita. Diverse però le possibili chiavi di lettura.