Sophocles-inspired parks pave the way for a more sustainable Athens

Sophocles-inspired parks pave the way for a more sustainable Athens

Sustainable cities are a rather ambitious idea. Challenges such as little space, few green areas and pollution seem difficult to deal with. Even more so for a city like Athens, Greece’s capital, in a state of economic crisis. However, challenges aren’t insurmountable: even small-scale interventions such as pocket parks can create significant local impact, inspiring

8 women who are changing the world without you even realising

8 women who are changing the world without you even realising

Nina Gualinga She has become the face of the indigenous Kichwa movement to protect the Ecuadorian Amazon from corporate interests. Her village, Sarayaku, sued the Quito Government in 2012, resulting in the protection of its land from oil exploration. Gualinga was present at COP21: she sailed down the River Seine in Paris in a canoe from

Somalia, US drone strike against al-Shabaab kills more than 150

Somalia, US drone strike against al-Shabaab kills more than 150

The US army carried out a drone strike over the weekend against an al-Shabab training camp, about 150 kilometres north of the capital Mogadishu.   According to the Pentagon, the strike killed 150. Spokesman Captain Jeff Davis told the strike destroyed a training camp where an “imminent large-scale” attack was being planned: “We know they were