Canada, Trudeau elected Prime Minister: farewell to Harper the anti-environmentalist
Il Partito liberale guidato da Justin Trudeau esce dalle urne forte della maggioranza assoluta. Il premier Stephen Harper ha ammesso la sconfitta.
Il Partito liberale guidato da Justin Trudeau esce dalle urne forte della maggioranza assoluta. Il premier Stephen Harper ha ammesso la sconfitta.
Concluso uno degli appuntamenti più importanti di Expo nella Giornata mondiale dell’alimentazione. Mattarella: “Nutrire il pianeta è la sfida epocale che abbiamo di fronte”.
I conservatori canadesi, promotori di politiche giudicate catastrofiche per l’ambiente, potrebbero perdere il potere per la prima volta dal 2006.
It has been one of the most successful pavilions at Expo Milano 2015. A pavilion showcasing a dynamic, young, technologic country. Just a few weeks before the end of the world’s fair, the Asian country presents Expo Astana 2017, the exhibition dedicated to future energy. From 10 June to 10 September 2017, over 3,000
The British Elle magazine has launched the campaign #MoreWomen. It is aimed to give the right visibility to powerful, successful women and to create a positive dialogue in order to achieve gender equality. To do that, the magazine realised a video that shows how women are in some of the world’s highest and most important
A riferire le cifre è l’International Organisation for Migration. L’agenzia Frontex aggiunge: “Più di 700 mila migranti arrivati in Europa nel 2015”.
“A tale of two foxes”, took by the Canadian Don Gutoski. The picture shows a Red fox dragging off something whilst walking on the snow. Looking more carefully, it is clear what it holds in its mouth: the corpse of another fox, the Arctic fox. The image is therefore the final result of the battle
Turkish general elections have been held on 7 June, but since then no single political party, or bloc of allied parties, managed to create a government. Therefore, the President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan called on new elections on 1 November, in order to solve the political stalemate. Who knows if he ever imagined that such stalemate
È drammatico il bilancio dell’attentato subito il 10 ottobre, a tre settimane dalle elezioni, da migliaia di militanti pacifisti curdi nel centro della capitale turca.
Having been for many decades more popular abroad than in Italy, Montessori education seems to be back in vogue even in the homeland of the famous pedagogue who developed it. The approach suggested by Maria Montessori is applied, more or less literally, in an increasing number of schools and families also due to the contribution