The guardians of the forest: the Amazon tribe protecting trees forcibly
Bows and arrows and technology. The indigenous Ka’apor tribe has decided to act to stop illegal logging in the Amazon forest.
Bows and arrows and technology. The indigenous Ka’apor tribe has decided to act to stop illegal logging in the Amazon forest.
One of the main countries, and one of the most debated, chosen by refugees to reach Northern Europe is Hungary. Among the measures taken by Viktor Orbán’s government there is the construction of a wall along the border with Serbia, aimed to contain the flow of people illegally entering the country that, according to local
The Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez has been convicted of inciting violence during the 2014 anti-governmental protests.
The winning movie is the documentary by Chinese director Zhao Liang that denounces the unsustainable burden of China’s uncontrolled development race.
From donations to NGOs, to voluntary works, and hospitality. Here are some tips for those who want to do their bit for refugees in Italy, where more than 100,000 asylum seekers have arrived in 2015.
https://youtu.be/2VWtu0OzR_Q The elevator of the One world trade center, also known as Freedom tower, takes just 47 seconds to climb to the 102nd floor. It is the tower that replaced the Twin Towers (or World trade center) after the 2001 terrorist attacks. During those 47 seconds it is possible to trace the history of the skyline
The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, held his first speech on the State of the Union the 8th of September. He spoke to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, tackling the humanitarian crisis which sees hundreds of thousands of refugees crowding Europe’s southern borders. In his speech he outlined the Commission’s plan
Petra László is the Hungarian camera operator fired by local television channel N1TV for having deliberately tripped over a man, a fleeing refugee, who was holding a child. Hundreds of refugees were trying to escape the police’s grip near the Hungarian village of Rőszke, close to the border with Serbia, after having remained confined
Illiteracy is a reality that still involves over 700 million adults all over the world.
Tarwi is a legume that has been rediscovered. Thanks to a cooperation project, it will improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of the remote Peruvian province of Huaylas.