The women of Isis: fighters and slaves

The women of Isis: fighters and slaves

Isis, borne of a leadership split within Al Qaeda, envisions the role of women differently from the historic organisation of Islamic militancy. According to Al Qaeda, women must be passive and submissive. For Isis, they must be subordinated, but they are also called to participate actively in the construction and maintenance of the Islamic Caliphate.

The video that shows that love is universal

The video that shows that love is universal

Love sees no gender nor colour, no handicap nor disability. It doesn’t know age. Love is universal and it goes beyond all boundaries. This is the message of the video released by the Ad Council, an American organisation that produces and distributes social issues advertising.   The one you have just seen was filmed on 14th

Every country has its diet: from the best to the worst

Every country has its diet: from the best to the worst

Eating large amounts of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, fish and wholegrains is obviously a healthy habit. But people don’t have such a balanced diet in every part of the world. There are places with a geography, climate and food culture that foster a healthy diet, others that mostly eat ready and processed meals

Rudolf Steiner and biodynamic agriculture

Rudolf Steiner and biodynamic agriculture

Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Waldorf education and the inspiration behind biodynamic agriculture was born in 1861, in Kraljevic, present Croatia.     Philosopher, educator and social reformer, Steiner attended the Vienna Institute on Technology, where he studied physics, a subject that influenced his way of thinking. His belief that the observation method utilised by

The food we waste in a year is worth 300 billion dollars

The food we waste in a year is worth 300 billion dollars

Food waste is immoral, since 805 million people suffer from hunger globally, but it is also a loss for the global economy. Reducing food waste could save up to 300 billion dollars, according to a research by the international group Global Commission on the Economy and Climate. It is a noteworthy sum, especially in the

100 years of Iran thorugh women’s hairstyles

100 years of Iran thorugh women’s hairstyles

Let’s retrace one hundred years of Iranian history through women’s traditional hairstyles over the course of decades. Since the 10s of the Twentieth century up to today. It could seem absurd but the evolution (if we can say so) and the passing of time led to a regression of this country’s customs. The footage is

Olive oil eliminates the borders between Israel and Palestine

Olive oil eliminates the borders between Israel and Palestine

Olive oil without borders (OOWB), is a triennial project among 34 olive oil farming communities in Israel and the West Bank (Palestine). The initiative was established by Near East foundation (NEF) and financially supported by USAID, the American agency against extreme poverty.   Olives and olive trees are vital to local economy. In Palestine about 100 thousands

The winners of World Press Photo 2015

The winners of World Press Photo 2015

The jury of the World Press Photo, the world’s most important photojournalistic award established in 1955, has declared the 2015 winners. They have been announced on 12 February in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The winner of the 58th edition and of the category Contemporary Issues is Mads Nissen, thanks to a shot that is part of his