Climate change fuels child labour in India

Climate change fuels child labour in India

Disasters caused by climate change bring many Indian families to their knees, reaching extreme poverty levels. Condition that leads mothers and fathers to put their children in human traffickers’ hands, making them work illegally or forcing them in the prostitution racket.  This dramatic situation has been revealed by the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize Kailash Satyarthi,

Amaranth, the plant saving Argentinian families

Amaranth, the plant saving Argentinian families

Amaranth has high quality nutrients: its small grains (1 gram contains 1,000-3,000 grains depending on the variety) are rich in proteins and have a high content of calcium and phosphorus. Thanks to the lack of gluten, it is an ideal product for celiac and diabetic people’s diets.     The monks who accompanied the conquistadores

Russia says no to GMOs

Russia says no to GMOs

The Russian government submitted to the Parliament a bill to prohibit the cultivation and rearing of genetically modified plants and animals within the Russian Federation territory, with the exception of scientific research purposes. The new legislation envisages the possibility of the government to prohibit foreign imports of genetically modified products, after having tested the effects

Barnraiser, crowdfunding dedicated to sustainable food

Barnraiser, crowdfunding dedicated to sustainable food

The huge genetically modified maize fields in the US could be old-fashioned. This is thanks to a crowdfunding experiment, aimed to promote and support small, organic and sustainable farms, and projects – from art to literature – regarding healthy eating.   Barnraiser is a new platform, and its mission “is to put a billion dollars

Doomsday Clock, in 2015 it’s only 3 minutes to the end of the world

Doomsday Clock, in 2015 it’s only 3 minutes to the end of the world

The last time the Doomsday clock has been moved dates back to 2012. 3 years ago, the scientists of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, non-scientific magazine founded in 1945, said to stop the Earth’s time at 11:55 p.m., only 5 minutes to the end of the world (midnight).     It is 3 minutes

Cuba and the United States: on the way to dialogue

Cuba and the United States: on the way to dialogue

The US President Barack Obama held an historic speech on 17 December announcing the beginning of a course aimed to restore diplomatic relations with Cuba. A speech that arrived 52 years after the one given by President John Fitzgerald Kennedy on 22 October 1962, symbol of the Cold War.   That day, the United States

Samantha Cristoforetti teams up with UNICEF to fight child malnutrition

Samantha Cristoforetti teams up with UNICEF to fight child malnutrition

Impresa Straordinaria is the new campaign against child malnutrition and mortality by UNICEF, the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund.   The name of the campaign shows a concrete, extraordinary yet not impossible aim: save those 3 million children that every year die due to malnutrition all over the world. UNICEF calls for help in