Food without women, women without food

Food without women, women without food

On 3-4 December 2014 at the Bocconi University of Milan was held the sixth edition of the International Forum on Food and Nutrition of the Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition, where has been presented the Milan Protocol, an international agreement aimed to face the problem of the sustainability of food system.     Part of

Silent love, when love doesn’t need words

Silent love, when love doesn’t need words

Silent love is a footage produced by Codcast channel that tells the story of two youngsters, two commuters who bump into each every day on the train in their way to university, or maybe to work, who fell in love with each other. Every day they are in the same coach and seats. Until he finally

Money doesn’t buy happiness: the map of happiness around the world proves it

Money doesn’t buy happiness: the map of happiness around the world proves it

Reach countries are the happiest ones? What is happiness grounded on? The Happy Planet Index tried to answer these questions in 2012. The index tries to measure citizens’ happiness depending on 3 criteria: the level of well-being experienced, life expectancy, and ecological footprint.   Results are clear.  They show an upside-down world: developing countries seem

5 mistakes you shouldn’t make when preparing a main-course salad

5 mistakes you shouldn’t make when preparing a main-course salad

To prepare a main-course salad you should follow a few simple rules. Sometimes people don’t abide strictly by the recommended amount of ingredients and they double or, on the contrary, half one of them. These wrong proportions change substantially the benefits of our main-course salad: e.g. it can be too high in calories or poor

The story of Rosetta and Philae: landed on a faraway comet

The story of Rosetta and Philae: landed on a faraway comet

On 12th November 2014, after ten years departing the Earth, the lander Philae, which accompanied the Rosetta spacecraft, landed on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P/C-G) 510 million kilometres away from our Planet. It’s the first time that men achieve in sending something on a comet surface. The landing lasted about seven hours. But Rosetta’s and Philae’s trip has