Tempura, how to prepare it

Tempura, how to prepare it

In Japan, with the tempura batter is used mainly to prepare seasonal vegetables, shrimps and squids, on rare occasion meat. Tempura is a particularly light kind of frying technique, with which luscious and crunchy food is prepared. And it is easy to prepare, if you know the basic rules to make it.   The batter

Photographer Kenro Izu awarded for improving children’s lives

Photographer Kenro Izu awarded for improving children’s lives

On 6th November, the World of children award ceremony took place in New York, United States. The award was established in 1996 to support and elevate those people who improved children’s lives worldwide, regardless of any kind of discrimination and political, religious or geographical boundaries.   The prize is divided into three categories: the Health

Berlin Wall (1961 – 1989): a photo per year

Berlin Wall (1961 – 1989): a photo per year

Masons, families separated by bricks, barbed wire and mortars. People fleeing and greeting from one side of the wall to the other. Curious, bored and angry soldiers. A hurt, majestic and severe city. And then, on 9th November 1989, an explosion of joy and disbelief. Two worlds in conflict with each other, unite after the

Italian physicist Fabiola Gianotti was appointed Director General of CERN

Italian physicist Fabiola Gianotti was appointed Director General of CERN

The first woman in 60 years and the third Italian after Carlo Rubbia and Luciano Maiani. Fabiola Gianotti, born in Rome in 1962, was declared Director-General of CERN, Geneva, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research established in 1954. After a year of partnering with the incumbent German director general Rolf Heuer, her mandate will begin on

Solidale italiano, respectful of people and the land

Solidale italiano, respectful of people and the land

When you think about fair trade the world’s Southern countries are off the top of your head. As well as coffee and cocoa plantations, tropical fruits and sugar cane. In a virtuous circle of production and marketing of sustainable food that since 1988 provides fair wages and promotes respect for people and the environment, Solidale

Mahatma Gandhi, the power of nonviolence

Mahatma Gandhi, the power of nonviolence

Gandhi means grocer, since his ancestors, before fulfilling important positions, worked as spice sellers. He was Hindu and, in particular, he believed in Vishnu. Mohandas Karamchad Gandhi Mohandas Karamchad Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869 in Porbandar, western India. In the first 20 years of his existence he behaved exactly like a descendant of a wealthy family:

How many people will live in cities in 2045?

How many people will live in cities in 2045?

Today, half of the world’s population live in rapidly expanding cities: often in a megalopolis with dozens of millions inhabitants, such as Tokyo, Shanghai and Mexico City. Impressive figures that are on the rise, as the number of people living in metropolises will increase further at the expense of rural areas. According the latest World Urbanization

The most beautiful social and environmental pictures of the year

The most beautiful social and environmental pictures of the year

Mohammad Fahim Ahamed Riyad is the photographer of the year, according to the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM) jury, thanks to his picture In search of life. The image, chosen among 10,000 entries, shows a fireman in the attempt of finding survivors after the fire that hit a slum in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

What happened at Tiananmen square in China?

What happened at Tiananmen square in China?

25 years ago, in the night between 3 and 4 June 1989, at Tiananmen square, Beijing, China, the Chinese Army killed hundreds of demonstrators who called for democracy. The tragic conclusion of these protests is known worldwide as the Tienanmen Square Massacre. It all began with hundreds of students and workers marching through the streets of