11 February is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science
La giornata mira a promuovere l’uguaglianza di genere e a far sì che donne e ragazze ottengano parità di accesso e partecipazione nella scienza.
La giornata mira a promuovere l’uguaglianza di genere e a far sì che donne e ragazze ottengano parità di accesso e partecipazione nella scienza.
The 6th of February is the United Nations’ International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation. 140 million women and girls principally in the Middle East and Africa have undergone the practice, which is deeply rooted in local customs. The eradication of female genital mutilation (FGM), also known as female genital cutting (FGC) –
Helle Thorning-Schmidt is the new Chief Executive Officer of Save the Children International. The former Danish Prime Minister will lead the biggest international umbrella organisation working to protect children in 120 countries worldwide as of 4 April. Political career Thorning-Schmidt grew up in Copenhagen and started her career in the European Parliament as Member
The wealthiest 1% of people hold more riches than the rest of the world combined, according to a report released by aid and development NGO Oxfam. The announcement comes ahead of the 46th annual World Economic Forum, which will take place in Davos, Switzerland, between 20-23 January, bringing together top business and political leaders to
L’Africa vista dal cielo con gli occhi del fotografo francese Yann Arthus-Bertrand. 13 immagini da scoprire e sfogliare nel calendario 2016 di Amani.
Syngenta AG, the world’s third largest producer of biochemically-engineered foods, has been found guilty of murder by Judge Pedro Ivo Moreiro of the Civil Court of the municipality of Cascavel in the southern Brazilian region of Paraná. The announcement of the ruling was made public on the 17th of November. The court has ordained that
The winning images of a photography competition are featured in Survival’s 2016 calendar. To support the NGO that fights for indigenous people’s rights.
Six million people had to abandon their lands because of of a 50-year internal war between the military and Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc), the country’s largest left-wing rebel group. Over 260,000 people lost their lives during this period and thousands were kidnapped or disappeared, estimates human rights organisation Amnesty International in a report
Oggi l’Onu celebra bambini e adolescenti, per ricordare che ancora troppi di loro non godono dei diritti che meriterebbero.
Feared for its large and fluid membership, piercing cyber attacks and unpredictable political agenda, Anonymous, the most famous hacker group in the world, has taken on enemies as disparate as the Church of Scientology, Visa, the government of Zimbabwe and the KKK. Its latest target is Isis, the terrorist organisation allegedly behind the attacks that