As if they never existed. More women have gone missing in Peru during the pandemic
The consequences of the coronavirus in Peru go far beyond health and the economy as lockdown has led to the disappearance of thousands of girls and women.
The consequences of the coronavirus in Peru go far beyond health and the economy as lockdown has led to the disappearance of thousands of girls and women.
Violence against women in Peru has increased as a result of Covid-19 lockdowns. 14,912 people were reported missing from January to November 2020, more than half of them minors and 64 per cent women. People have been confined to their homes for months, many forced to endure poor physical, economic and social conditions. A situation that
Joys Estefani Qqueccaño Huamani, 24, disappeared from her rural community in Peru on 9 October. Her family began looking for her independently of the authorities and despite the resistance of relatives of Joys Estefani’s ex-partner Arturo Ccana Condori, 32, charged with committing violence against her on 28 September, eleven days before Joys Estefani disappeared. Photos
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