Lagos Photo 2015: the Africa beyond iconographic stereotypes

Lagos Photo 2015: the Africa beyond iconographic stereotypes

Not just lush natural landscapes, amazing biodiversity, images of extreme poverty, suffering children or exotic animals: reducing such a big and diverse continent as Africa to stereotypical imagery is precisely what the LagosPhoto Festival is working against. Created in 2010 and now in its sixth edition, the LagosPhoto Festival will take place in the Lagos

Moroccan women hand-weave the magic carpet of sustainable development

Moroccan women hand-weave the magic carpet of sustainable development

The NGO Arte Fatto Onlus was founded in Milan in 2008 to encourage sustainable development through art, design and craftsmanship. It supports crafts men and women around the world to meet the demand for ethical fashion with the objective of improving their life conditions by offering training on design and business skills. The project “L’Oasi