Black rhinos are returning to Rwanda
Dopo un’assenza durata dieci anni, venti esemplari di rinoceronte nero saranno reintrodotti nel parco nazionale dell’Akagera.
Dopo un’assenza durata dieci anni, venti esemplari di rinoceronte nero saranno reintrodotti nel parco nazionale dell’Akagera.
Kuki Gallmann is an Italian born Kenyan who established the Laikipia Nature Conservancy in Ol Ari Nyiro – which means the “place of great springs” in the local Maa language – an area on the edge of the Great Rift Valley, in the north Kenyan region of Laikipia: what used to be a ranch is now a protected
La Corte suprema del Sudafrica ha revocato il divieto nazionale relativo alla vendita dei corni di rinoceronte. Un passo indietro nella conservazione di questi rari giganti.
Patrick Kilonzo Mwalua, 41, drives a rented tanker truck for more than 50 kilometres at least 4 times a week to bring fresh water to thirsty wild animals at the Tsavo West National Park, Kenya. Zebras, elephants and buffalos wait for him at the water hole. Since November 2016, the farmer brings 12,000 litres of
Korogocho, Kenya, is Nairobi’s third slum. It rises on the huge mountain of trash of Dandora landfill (the capital’s biggest dumpsite) and about 200,000 people live there in tin sheds built on an area of approximately one and a half square kilometers. Unlike Muthaiga, one of Nairobi’s wealthiest areas located less than two kilometres away from
In dieci anni, tra il 2004 e il 2014, in Gabon i bracconieri hanno ucciso oltre 25mila elefanti, mettendo a serio rischio la sopravvivenza della specie.
Si chiama Sahara Marathon ed è una maratona tra i campi profughi di Tindouf, in Algeria. Una volta all’anno ci ricorda che la decolonizzazione in Africa non è ancora finita.
by Jose Graziano Da Silva, Director-General of FAO Ertharin Cousin, Executive Director of the World Food Programme Anthony Lake, Executive Director of UNICEF The latest food security analysis in South Sudan has led to a declaration of famine in Leer and Mayendit counties in Greater Unity region. Two other counties are at risk of famine. The
Cos’è il land grabbing e dove si pratica. Ma soprattutto quali sono i danni all’ambiente e alle comunità locali che popolano le terre del sud del mondo.
The Inga 3 project involves the construction of a large dam and a 4,800 megawatt hydro-electric plant spanning a channel of the vast Congo River, the world’s second largest by volume, at the Inga Falls. The 14 billion dollar project is being fast-tracked by the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)’s government. The Inga 3 Hydropower Project According