57 pesticides are poisoning our bees

57 pesticides are poisoning our bees

European bees are poisoned by a cocktail of 57 pesticides, according to a new study. 98% of these substances are regularly approved for use by the EU. And bees are dying off.   European bees are exposed to at least 57 different types of weed killers. This shocking figure was revealed by research conducted in

Food allergies reach epidemic levels in the United States

Food allergies reach epidemic levels in the United States

The Food Allergy Research & Education organisation reports that 1 in 13 children are affected by food allergies in the United States, while the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals that these have increased among children by an astonishing 50% between 1997 and 2011. Experts blame this upsurge on the quality of the

Glyphosate, Europe defers the decision on whether to license it or not

Glyphosate, Europe defers the decision on whether to license it or not

Any decision on whether to extend the license to use glyphosate in Europe, expected on 8 March, has been put off due to the rising opposition of member states – including France, Sweden, Netherlands and Italy – as well as the pressure of some parliamentary groups including the Socialists and the Democrats. This is what spokesman

Let’s keep organic pure. As the business grows, so does the need for protection

Let’s keep organic pure. As the business grows, so does the need for protection

The advent of the new millennium has seen the rapid, unstoppable growth of what is now the hugely popular organic movement. A multi-billion dollar industry in the United States, in many cases organic means big business, led by corporations often attempting to cut corners in order to maximize profits. Consumers can choose to buy from

Why 2016 is the International Year of Pulses

Why 2016 is the International Year of Pulses

The UN nominated 2016 the International year of pulses to celebrate the sustainability of grain legumes that are one of the main ingredients of the diet of the world’s most ancient peoples.

Ancient grains. Heirloom wheat makes its comeback in the USA

Ancient grains. Heirloom wheat makes its comeback in the USA

Discussions about GMOs, carcinogenic pesticides and food allergies are making Americans take a step back, looking back to a time when nature ruled. The US, where wheat is the principal food grain, is seeing a resurgence of ancient varieties such as Turkey Hard Red Winter Wheat, which came to the country in the 19th century,