The best trees to improve the face (and air) of cities
Trees play an important role in reducing emissions and smog in big cities. There are species that are more suited for this purpose, here are a few.
Trees play an important role in reducing emissions and smog in big cities. There are species that are more suited for this purpose, here are a few.
Thirteen of the world’s twenty most polluted cities are in India, with Delhi, its capital, being the most polluted according to a 2015 survey by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Air pollution is the fifth largest killer in the country, causing 620,000 deaths per year, with Delhi being one of the most critically polluted regions
Secondo il rapporto dell’Aea solo in Italia sono 84400 le morti premature causate dalle polveri fini. La più colpita è la Pianura Padana.
I dati sono allarmanti. Il particolato è 50 volte superiore ai livelli ritenuti sicuri dall’Oms, mentre una spessa coltre ha invaso Shenyang.
As fires in Indonesia intensify, schools have been closed and flights have been cancelled while a thick smoke haze is blanketing the country, due to burning forests.
Apparently, hooligans are the lesser of two evils for the Fontana della Barcaccia, a fresh-water fountain located in Piazza di Spagna, as well as for all other monuments in Rome. The most serious damages to churches, ruins and statues are caused by smog and floods. This is what is said in the joint
Il governo indiano ha deciso di combattere la disoccupazione giovanile e la cattiva qualità dell’aria piantando 2 miliardi di alberi lungo le strade del Paese.