Living close to major roads may increase risk of dementia
People living near major roads and busy traffic are more at risk of developing dementia, according to a report analysing more than 6 million people.
People living near major roads and busy traffic are more at risk of developing dementia, according to a report analysing more than 6 million people.
Dopo anni di resistenza pacifica Isidro Baldenegro López, leader della popolazione indigena locale che cercava di fermare il disboscamento, è stato ucciso.
Here are Donald Trump’s declarations on energy, the environment, renewable energy, fracking and oil, made on the US President’s official campaign site.
La cerimonia del giuramento di Donald Trump da 45esimo presidente degli Stati Uniti d’America, presso l’ala ovest del Campidoglio, a Washington.
2016 broke yet another record: it was the hottest year since measurements began in 1880. After 2014 and 2015, it was the third year in a row that registered record temperatures. 2016 was 0.87 degrees warmer than the average of the 1880-2015 period and 1.1 degrees warmer than pre-industrial levels (19th century). 2016 was the hottest
Gli Stati Uniti hanno sganciato oltre 26mila bombe nell’ultimo anno di presidenza Obama. Obiettivo primario: eliminare lo Stato Islamico dalle mappe.
Theresa May has been British Prime Minister for seven months, coming to power in the wake of the Brexit referendum and David Cameron‘s resignation. Her main task as leader is that of defining the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union in conformity with the desires of the 52 per cent of voters who chose to back Brexit.
Ocean warming, driven by increasing carbon emissions and rising temperatures, may become one of the biggest challenges facing humanity and threatening the Earth’s life systems, affecting even those living far from oceanic coasts. Already impacting people, fish stocks and crop yields, it may lead to more extreme weather events and increased risk from water-borne diseases including cholera. Fuelling
Il presidente degli Stati Uniti Barack Obama ha tenuto il suo ultimo discorso, lo speech di addio in cui ha promesso di continuare il lavoro da leader di speranza.
Costa Rica is setting remarkable records in protecting its biodiversity and enhancing its quality of life, as well as in generating renewable energy. In 2016 renewables supplied about 98.12 percent of Costa Rica’s electricity. In the first months of the year, the Central American country exclusively ran on hydro, geothermal and wind power for up