The entire world calls for the United States to end trade embargo on Cuba
Una risoluzione a favore della fine del blocco economico americano contro Cuba è stata votata da 191 paesi, sui 193 appartenenti alle Nazioni Unite.
Una risoluzione a favore della fine del blocco economico americano contro Cuba è stata votata da 191 paesi, sui 193 appartenenti alle Nazioni Unite.
L’agricoltura biologica in Perù, che rispetta la terra e chi la coltiva, ha permesso ai contadini peruviani di uscire dalla povertà e dal narcotraffico.
Gibe III, now almost complete, is one of Africa’s largest dams. Like its predecessors Gibe I and II it diverts the flow of the Omo River in Ethiopia, which feeds 90% of Lake Turkana in Kenya, the world’s most extensive desert lake. 260,000 indigenous people from 17 ethnic groups live in the Lower Omo Valley,
Il Partito liberale guidato da Justin Trudeau esce dalle urne forte della maggioranza assoluta. Il premier Stephen Harper ha ammesso la sconfitta.
“Yes. No. I don’t know. Let me think about it”. The never-ending soap opera on Arctic oil drilling seems to have come to an end. At least for the moment. After the decision made by Shell to “cease further exploration activity in offshore Alaska for the foreseeable future” due to their costs, the interior secretary Sally Jewell, in
I conservatori canadesi, promotori di politiche giudicate catastrofiche per l’ambiente, potrebbero perdere il potere per la prima volta dal 2006.
A bicycle-powered community library in the streets of San Francisco to promote the passion for literature and willingness to learn and know. “Page by page, book by book, pedal by pedal” is the motto of the non-profit project Bibliobicicleta that started through successful fund-raising on Kickstarter. Thanks to the support of 117 donours, 2200 dollars were
From 15 October in Milan there will be a photographic exhibition featuring a selection of twenty pictures taken by Peter Canton that show that it’s possible to grow (and eat) crops without polluting.
Patti Smith’s new book was published on October 6th: it is entitled M Train and is the sequel to Just Kids, the first memorial written by “the priestess of rock n’ roll”. Just Kids received great acclaim from audiences and critics alike: it was included in the New York Times’ list of best sellers of the year
Più di 20 miliardi di dollari per il disastro incalcolabile causato dalla Bp nel golfo del Messico. Questa volta la multa per la Deepwater horizon è definitiva.