Who is Boris Johnson, not a comedian but the UK’s foreign secretary
Th UK’s Prime Minister Theresa May chose Boris Johnson as the country’s foreign secretary. Why was the world so surprised by this decision?
Th UK’s Prime Minister Theresa May chose Boris Johnson as the country’s foreign secretary. Why was the world so surprised by this decision?
Theresa May will become the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on the 13th of July. The Brexit referendum and David Cameron’s resignation unleashed a leadership struggle in the ruling Conservative Party. First Boris Johnson, then Micheal Gove, then Andrea Leadsom: one by one Prime Minister-hopefuls withdrew their candidacies, clearing the field for May. The last to quit was
Environmental activist Gloria Capitan opposed the construction of coal stockpile facilities. She was shot in a bar in the province of Bataan on 4 July.
Le autorità della Cina hanno approvato una legge che vieta la vendita di cibi a base di animali a rischio di estinzione. Ma la norma non convince tutti.
Mosha was only 7 months old when she was maimed. She stepped on a land mine on the border between Thailand and Myanmar. More than ten years have passed from that. This week, she received her new prosthetic leg (the ninth) thanks to the Friends of the Asian Elephant Foundation, an hospital in northern Thailand. Along with Mosha,
Il tennista britannico e l’attore statunitense hanno lanciato un appello per sostenere la campagna del Wwf per la tutela delle tigri.
From Muhammad Yunus’ Grameen Bank in Bangladesh to Europe, microfinance is already a reality that supports entrepreneurs and social inclusion.
A short film shot outside Beijing tells the story of Jia Wenqi and Jia Haixia, two friends for life who decided to do something to plant a better world.
Lo statunitense Marc Ching è riuscito ad ottenere la liberazione di numerosi animali in procinto di essere macellati e mangiati.
Ogni anno migliaia di cani vengono uccisi e cucinati a Yulin, in occasione del festival tradizionale per il solstizio d’estate.