Ume, Japan’s favourite pickle, is the fruit of 400 years of sustainable farming
On the hills of Minabe and Tanabe ume fruit has been cultivated alongside oak forests and honeybees for centuries using a method now recognised by the FAO.
On the hills of Minabe and Tanabe ume fruit has been cultivated alongside oak forests and honeybees for centuries using a method now recognised by the FAO.
The first-ever vaccine for bees has been approved in the United States: it will provide immunity against American foulbrood, a highly contagious disease.
Six tales of courage. Six examples to follow. These are the winners of the 2020 Goldman Environmental Prize, the “Nobel Prize for the environment”.
Bumblebees can help plants flower more quickly. However, pesticides, parasites and climate change are putting this key species in serious danger.
Beekeeping as an alternative livelihood to stop locals from venturing into Sundarbans, the world’s largest mangrove forest, and encountering tigers.
It charmed, stunned and surprised visitors at Expo Milano 2015 with its hundreds of lights and steel pieces and the humming of bees remotely connected in real time from a hive in the UK. The Hive particularly amazed those who came at night and had the chance to see it glowing warmly and softly in the
La Giornata mondiale dell’alimentazione 2016 è dedicata al terribile impatto dei cambiamenti climatici sulla nostra sicurezza alimentare.
This happened in South Carolina, where millions of bees have died due to massive use of an insecticide used against mosquitoes.
The connection between pesticides and massive die-offs of bees has been confirmed. “Our results show that neonicotinoids are harmful to wild bees”.
La moria delle api è anche un problema finanziario che potrebbe colpire a cascata i profitti di innumerevoli industrie e, quindi, i loro investitori.