The map of the countries most exposed to and readiest for climate change

The map of the countries most exposed to and readiest for climate change

Climate change is threatening the whole world population. On one hand, there are vulnerable countries to climate change, on the other, countries ready to face the issues caused by climate extremes and global warming. The ND-Gain matrix, developed in 1995 by the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, United States, ranks countries from the most prepared

Samantha Cristoforetti teams up with UNICEF to fight child malnutrition

Samantha Cristoforetti teams up with UNICEF to fight child malnutrition

Impresa Straordinaria is the new campaign against child malnutrition and mortality by UNICEF, the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund.   The name of the campaign shows a concrete, extraordinary yet not impossible aim: save those 3 million children that every year die due to malnutrition all over the world. UNICEF calls for help in

Women who are changing the world

Women who are changing the world

Chilean socialist party leader in the Senate María Isabel Allende, 69 years old, was named President of the Senate by the majority. Daughter of Salvador, the ex president of Chile, who was overthrown by a coup d’état in 1973 and sister of Isabel, the famous writer, she will officially assume the post on 11th March. Allende