Corn ethanol, how it harms the climate and destroys the American Great Plains

Corn ethanol, how it harms the climate and destroys the American Great Plains

Ethanol, the biofuel made from corn and other plant materials, was once acclaimed as the solution to the United States’ dependence on foreign oil. Yet growing evidence, including a recent study from the University of Michigan, shows how the fuel is not reducing CO2 emissions as previously thought, but is instead contributing to the environmental demise of the American Great Plains,

There is no such thing as bad food. It’s all about the context

There is no such thing as bad food. It’s all about the context

Food contains the energy of the sun and every living being needs this energy to be able to live, think, fall in love, run and play as well as for many other actions that it would be impossible to list here in detail. For this reason I’ve always reasoned about the fact that humans can’t produce antibodies against food

Energy and happiness in food: towards a nutri-emotional indicator

Energy and happiness in food: towards a nutri-emotional indicator

Sharing a meal with friends has different effects on anxiety and mood from those produced by a quick meal eaten alone and almost without chewing. Sharing a meal increases the score of the nutri-emotional indicator in every food. Regardless of the specific score of a food item, the environment where one consumes it modifies its rating.  

Food is a signal

Food is a signal

For too long food has been considered just a heap of calories, vitamins and microelements. But it is much more than that: it’s what comes of the sun entering the soil, plants and animals, transforming them into the energy our body requires.