People marched from the Netherlands to Paris to protect the environment
L’associazione olandese Urgenda ha organizzato The Climate Miles: una marcia lunga 580 km, dall’Olanda alla Francia, per chiedere di salvare la Terra.
L’associazione olandese Urgenda ha organizzato The Climate Miles: una marcia lunga 580 km, dall’Olanda alla Francia, per chiedere di salvare la Terra.
The night of 13 November, the Californian group Eagles of Death Metal (EODM) was performing at the Bataclan theatre, historic Parisian venue built in 1865 that can host up to 1,500 people. That night, a group of gunmen burst into the theatre and opened fire randomly. They killed 89 people. Shortly after the attack,
L’ex ambasciatore italiano in Costa d’Avorio Paolo Sannella ha fatto chiarezza su cosa lega gli attacchi di Parigi all’attentato di Bamako, in Mali. L’apparenza inganna ancora una volta.
The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has decided to call on people all over the world to ask world leaders to effectively fight against climate change. The COP21, the 21st UN conference on climate change, will be held in Paris from 30 November to 11 December. It represents the moment to adopt a binding global deal
Many of the largest weapons manufacturers in the world saw their stock prices rise on Monday the 16th of November, the first day markets opened after terrorist attacks in Paris three days earlier killed around 130 people. In general, stock markets, including Paris’s, didn’t see the slumps that have followed major terrorist attacks in the
https://youtu.be/lRbbEQkraYg A Muslim young man blindfolded himself and asked to be hugged in Place de la République, Paris, after the attacks of 13 November. He had a placard which read: “I’m a Muslim, but I’m told that I’m a terrorist. I trust you, do you trust me? If yes, hug me”. Hundreds of people, of
Isis has stricken a blow that could go unnoticed. The French government has banned two marches for climate supposed to be held in Paris on 29 November, COP21’s eve, and on 12 December, the day after its conclusion. The decision has been made to “avoid further risks” and to guarantee the safety of citizens and of
Feared for its large and fluid membership, piercing cyber attacks and unpredictable political agenda, Anonymous, the most famous hacker group in the world, has taken on enemies as disparate as the Church of Scientology, Visa, the government of Zimbabwe and the KKK. Its latest target is Isis, the terrorist organisation allegedly behind the attacks that
In India, i ghiacciai dell’Himalaya sono sempre meno in grado di garantire l’acqua necessaria al sistema agricolo. E Nuova Delhi è immersa nell’inquinamento.
Two cities bursting with life, where design, creativity, business and innovation are key, have joined efforts in a landmark deal to promote tourism between them: the first time ever New York has signed an agreement of this kind with an Italian city. New York and Milan have acknowledged their similarities as being amongst the best