COP21, governments aren’t doing well. Their promises are insufficient
Secondo l’Onu, le promesse di riduzione dei gas a effetto serra avanzate finora non basteranno a limitare la crescita della temperatura a 2ºC entro il 2100.
Secondo l’Onu, le promesse di riduzione dei gas a effetto serra avanzate finora non basteranno a limitare la crescita della temperatura a 2ºC entro il 2100.
His report was crucial to stimulate public consciences on the economic impact of global warming. Published in 2006, the Stern Review, commissioned by the British government, has been a decisive turning point that let leaders understand the real, negative effects of inaction before climate change. Lord Nicholas Stern is the economist currently chairing the Grantham Research
Il New York Times rivela i nuovi dati ufficiali di Pechino: il carbone utilizzato è almeno il 17 per cento in più di quanto affermato in precedenza.
Glacial retreat is when glacial melt occurs faster than new seasonal snow and ice have time to accumulate. In this 90 second video Professor Ben Orlove, Director of the Columbia Centre for Research on Environmental Decisions, explains how, for a mountain, losing its glaciers is like losing the Twin Towers for New York. The video
The climate change conference COP21 Paris is ever nearer. This two minute video compares the journey to reach a global agreement on CO2 emissions to a bus that is stuck and needs someone to get it out of its predicament. If no one calls the tow truck, the passengers themselves will have to get off
Two thirds of the glaciers of the Tibetan Plateau could melt for good do to climate change by 2050. The fourteenth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso asked the leaders of almost 200 countries that will meet in Paris during COP21, the UN Conference of the Parties on climate, to take action in order to save the
Cop 21, la Francia ha ammesso che gli impegni dei governi per ridurre le emissioni inquinanti non saranno sufficienti a centrare gli obiettivi prefissati.
Secondo le Nazioni Unite, mai nella storia si era verificata una mobilitazione simile da parte dei governi: un buon segnale in vista della Cop 21.
The government pledged to reduce emissions and for this reason Brazil is the first major developing country to adopt such measures to tackle global warming.
According to the environmental NGO Greenpeace it is possible phasing out fossil fuels by 2050, without economic barriers.