Sampal, the dolphin that lived in captivity, is now free and has a calf
The sighting of Sampal off the coast of South Korea confirms that reintroduced dolphins can survive, breed and have a family.
The sighting of Sampal off the coast of South Korea confirms that reintroduced dolphins can survive, breed and have a family.
L’imbarcazione affondata nei pressi del parco nazionale Sundarbans mette a rischio la sopravvivenza delle persone e delle specie animali che abitano la foresta e il fiume.
Polychlorinated biphenyls, commonly known as PCBs, are a group of highly toxic man-made chemicals introduced in the early twentieth century and quickly acclaimed as an industrial breakthrough. Like the pesticide DDT and herbicide Agent Orange, which were also once thought to be safe, PCBs have a dark side. They don’t break down easily and can
In Argentina un piccolo delfino è stato tirato fuori dall’acqua da un gruppo di turisti desideroso di scattarsi una foto con l’animale. Il cetaceo è poi morto per disidratazione.
La nave di Sea Shepherd sosterà a Venezia dall’1 al 7 febbraio, sarà possibile visitarla, conoscere l’equipaggio e sostenere l’organizzazione che protegge la fauna marina del pianeta.
From the film The Cove against dolphin killings in Japan to the hymn of the movement against cetacean hunting practices: David Bowie was (also) an animal-rights hero.
Per la prima volta sarà possibile vivere in diretta l’incontro notturno con i leoni nel Masai Mara e il reinserimento di alcune tartarughe marine nell’Oceano Indiano.
The vaquita, little cow in Spanish, is also known as the desert porpoise: it is the smallest cetacean on Earth and was discovered as recently as the 1950s. Its distribution is restricted to a small region in the Upper Gulf of California in Mexico. In recent years the species has undergone a rapid decline that
After more than 5 years from the environmental disaster of the Deepwater Horizon oil platform, on 20 April 2010, Gulf of Mexico, the British Petroleum (BP) agreed to pay a penalty of 18.7 billion dollars in order to end once for all the legal action the United States and other federal states took after the worst
Polar bears have started hunting and eating dolphins. It is the first time that this phenomenon takes place and the cause is linked to rising temperatures and food scarcity in the Arctic Ocean. Summer comes earlier Oceans acidification and ice melting due to global warming have been jeopardising polar bear existence for a