The world’s first power plant to produce energy from waves
The world’s first wave-energy plant connected to the electricity grid has been switched on in Western Australia. Here’s how it works and produces renewable energy.
The world’s first wave-energy plant connected to the electricity grid has been switched on in Western Australia. Here’s how it works and produces renewable energy.
That Bill Gates, who has long been one of the Planet’s richest and most influential people, has committed himself in philanthropic projects is already known. But further demonstration comes with the last prototype realised thanks to the funds of the Gates Foundation, the Omniprocessor. Bill Gates himself in the pages of his official website
The eco-friendly house built in Larvik, Norway, was designed and realised by the architect studio Snøhetta in collaboration with the Research centre on zero emission buildings of Trondheim. With the Zero emission buildings (ZEB) pilot house project, the Norwegian studio demonstrated that it is possible to build zero impact buildings. The house project, motivated by the need
If you wish to reduce consumptions dramatically, even with powerful engines, follow these tips for an ecodrive and get immediate positive results.
Every day around two thousand cyclists ride the two-way cycling lane that connects Krommenie and Wormerveer, two suburbs of Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands. For commuters and students bicycles are the fastest means of transport to get around in this city. From 12th November, a 70-metre stretch of this path will become
Korea is replacing street lights with LED lights: the aim of this programme is to reduce the electricity bill and light pollution. LEDs require 10 times less energy to generate light, offering a less light dispersion in the air. In public areas where lights have been changed to LED, the inhabitants can see the stars
Retrofitting is a technical term which means modifying the technology of an object to improve its performances. Segun Oyeyiola, a Nigerian student of Engineering, just retrofitted an old Volkswagen Beetle and turned it into a solar and wind-powered car. Within a year the final year student managed to convert the Beetle into a
Il governo indiano ha deciso di combattere la disoccupazione giovanile e la cattiva qualità dell’aria piantando 2 miliardi di alberi lungo le strade del Paese.
Developed by En-Eco Group a company established in Florence, the new photovoltaic panels are flexible, recyclable and efficient. They can be carried or installed almost everywhere and it allows you to always have electricity at your fingertips.
The Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System, set up in the California Mojave Desert, is the world’s largest concentrated solar thermal power station, and started delivering solar electricity on 13 February. At full capacity, the facility produces 392 megawatts (MW) of solar power, enough electricity to provide 140,000 California homes with clean energy and avoid 400,000 metric