France to build 1000 kilometres of solar roads. But not everybody thinks this is a good idea
A thousand kilometres of roads will be paved with solar panels that will produce energy for millions of French people. But costs could be prohibitive.
A thousand kilometres of roads will be paved with solar panels that will produce energy for millions of French people. But costs could be prohibitive.
In the aftermath of Denmark’s new law that allows police seize valuables of asylum seekers, Danish people are complaining on social networks about the fact that too much money is spent in international cooperation projects rather than being destined to elderly people. The radio programme P3 broadcasted by Denmark’s broadcasting corporation DR thus realised an extremely hilarious
La nave di Sea Shepherd sosterà a Venezia dall’1 al 7 febbraio, sarà possibile visitarla, conoscere l’equipaggio e sostenere l’organizzazione che protegge la fauna marina del pianeta.
Il governo socialdemocratico della Svezia ha annunciato l’organizzazione di voli charter per rimpatriare decine di migliaia di richiedenti asilo.
The Schengen Agreement, named after the small town of Luxembourg where it was signed on 18 June 1985, gave life to the area of the same name that allows the free movement of persons. It’s one of the most important and effective peace agreements ever achieved between sovereign states. Its entry into force, begun in 1985, made
Chinese artist Ai Weiwei made the call to gallery owner Jens Faurschou from the Greek island of Lesbos, which saw 450,000 refugees reach its shores in 2015: he told him to cancel his exhibition, Ruptures, at the Faurschou Foundation in Copenhagen, which has been running since March last year and was meant to end this April.
On New Year’s Day a new law came into effect in France striving to cut down on food waste. Even though the world is producing more than enough food for its inhabitants, hunger is still one the most pernicious problems to solve globally according to the FAO. The new law obliges restaurants with over 180
The cycling lane network in Barcelona will increase from 116 to 308 km in three years with an investment of 32 million euros. The urban mobility plan also aims to create new bike parking lots.
Helle Thorning-Schmidt is the new Chief Executive Officer of Save the Children International. The former Danish Prime Minister will lead the biggest international umbrella organisation working to protect children in 120 countries worldwide as of 4 April. Political career Thorning-Schmidt grew up in Copenhagen and started her career in the European Parliament as Member
It breaks one record after another. Denmark already tops any rank dedicated to sustainability, both environmental and social. But it doesn’t settle and, year after year, it does more to try to be an example and – most of all – a stimulus to other countries. In 2015, the renewable energy produced from wind set