Greek Tzatziki

Greek Tzatziki

Tzatziki is a traditional Greek summer meal which is served cold and accompanied with fresh bread.

Cycling the ‘Kittymobile’ from Amsterdam to London

Cycling the ‘Kittymobile’ from Amsterdam to London

A trip by bike from Amsterdam to London with two cats in tow. Obviously, the four-legged travel companions didn’t run after their master Thomas, but they were on board of a peculiar cargo bike. They travelled many cities, drawing the attention of young and old passengers, due to Mushi’s and Cheesy’s big eyes looking around.

EU Parliament recognises the rights of LGBT parents

EU Parliament recognises the rights of LGBT parents

Yesterday the EU Parliament in Strasbourg voted in favour of a resolution that, for the first time, explicitly acknowledges families with same-sex parents. The resolution, which tackles gender equality by setting new targets and strategies to improve women’s condition in the European Union, makes specific mention of how legislation must respond to changing family structures:

Biking for books: Cyclo-biblio stars in June

Biking for books: Cyclo-biblio stars in June

Cyclo-biblio, a five-day ride in support of libraries, combines the love for books with the love for bycicles. After Cycling for libraries‘ successful fourth edition (this is name of the international event from which the francophone edition drew its inspiration) in August 2014, between Montpellier and Lyon, the French association Cyclo-biblio decided to organise another edition

Where cyclists go through red lights

Where cyclists go through red lights

Either because they are in a hurry or they don’t want to stand still at the polluted intersections, some cyclists often decide to pass the red light, thus breaking traffic rules.   While in the Netherlands there are even double traffic lights that allow cyclists not to wait twice when crossing an “L” junction, there