Europe’s complicity in illegal deforestation

Europe’s complicity in illegal deforestation

The European countries foster illegal deforestation around the world, despite they are among those who violate international laws and conventions the less. In order to meet the demand of agricultural products in Europe, between 2000 and 2012, the equivalent of a soccer field was illegally deforested every 2 minutes, violating national laws of those countries

The Eiffel Tower is the world’s most sustainable monument

The Eiffel Tower is the world’s most sustainable monument

Paris is the capital that is leading the way in climate action in 2015. In anticipation of the UN climate change conference, the Eiffel Tower, one of France’s iconic monuments, has been restructured after 126 years, becoming more sustainable thanks to the installation of 2 vertical axis wind turbines that produce renewable energy. The tower was built for

Pegaso: Discover a healthy lifestyle while playing

Pegaso: Discover a healthy lifestyle while playing

PEGASO project aims to create an educational platform through wearable devices, i.e. wearable sensors connected to a video game app for smartphones, which can stimulate children awareness through games and team challenges.     We interviewed Renata Guarneri, researcher at Fondazione Politecnico di Milano and Pegaso Project Coordinator and Giuseppe Andreoni, professor at the Design Department of Milan Polytechnic

What to do in Rome in 36 hours, according to The New York Times

What to do in Rome in 36 hours, according to The New York Times

After the success of What to do in Milan in 36 hours, The New York Times decides to stick to Italy, dedicating its 36 hours column to Rome. It is a little guide that advises everything you can’t miss if visiting the eternal city in 36 hours.   The New York Times describes Rome from

Cyclists in Amsterdam will park their bikes… Under water

Cyclists in Amsterdam will park their bikes… Under water

While some big cities face the problem of car parking, in Amsterdam cyclists risk to be late at work because they can’t find a place to lock their bikes. This is a good news for those supporting sustainable mobility, such as LifeGate, though many people living in the capital of the Netherland will not be

The winners of World Press Photo 2015

The winners of World Press Photo 2015

The jury of the World Press Photo, the world’s most important photojournalistic award established in 1955, has declared the 2015 winners. They have been announced on 12 February in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The winner of the 58th edition and of the category Contemporary Issues is Mads Nissen, thanks to a shot that is part of his

Amsterdam is home to the first cycling lane that generates solar power

Amsterdam is home to the first cycling lane that generates solar power

Every day around two thousand cyclists ride the two-way cycling lane that connects Krommenie and Wormerveer, two suburbs of Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands. For commuters and students bicycles are the fastest means of transport to get around in this city.     From 12th November, a 70-metre stretch of this path will become

Berlin Wall (1961 – 1989): a photo per year

Berlin Wall (1961 – 1989): a photo per year

Masons, families separated by bricks, barbed wire and mortars. People fleeing and greeting from one side of the wall to the other. Curious, bored and angry soldiers. A hurt, majestic and severe city. And then, on 9th November 1989, an explosion of joy and disbelief. Two worlds in conflict with each other, unite after the