The Fashion Transparency Index wants to change fashion for the better
A lack of transparency in the fashion supply chains favours labour rights violations and environmental damage. Fashion Revolution is trying to change this.
A lack of transparency in the fashion supply chains favours labour rights violations and environmental damage. Fashion Revolution is trying to change this.
The textile industry is the world’s second-worst polluter, both in terms of production and waste. One of the biggest problems is vast amounts of unsold goods.
A journey to discover leather tanneries in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, among terrible working conditions, pollution and laws left unenforced.
The challenges that indigenous Maya women currently face in Guatemala are complex and numerous but if we had to sum them up in one word, it would be exclusion. This according to Rosalia, a 33-year old associate artisan at Teixchel, a sustainable weaving association in San Pedro La Laguna, on the shore of Lake Atitlán, that uses exclusively nontoxic eco and
An organisation that unites over 1,000 mainly Maya women in Guatemala has expressed alarm that indigenous handicrafts, textiles called “huipiles” in particular, are under threat because underpriced industrial fabrics appropriating indigenous patterns have flooded the Guatemalan market, depriving many native women of their main source of income. Read more: Down to Xjabelle, the fashion collection by a young designer with Down
Cyclists, bikers and pedestrians, Wair has finally arrived. It is an anti-pollution scarf that filters harmful substances in the air and, through an app, indicates less polluted routes.
Fair trade labels and certification There is no universal fair trade certification. One of the most widely known fair trade labels is the Fairtrade Foundation’s Fairtrade Mark, which certifies products such as bananas. The World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO’s) label, instead, identifies organisations rather than goods. While these two verifying bodies are internationally recognised, there are