Fruits and vegetables in season by month: August

Fruits and vegetables in season by month: August

At this time of the year fresh and juicy watermelon is one of the most versatile fruit that can be used to prepare savoury and refreshing dishes. To conclude a summer dinner there is nothing better than a watermelon sorbet: blend the watermelon with some acacia honey and put it into the freezer; add a

Fruits and vegetables in season by month: May

Fruits and vegetables in season by month: May

Strawberries are rich with vitamin C (even more than oranges), contain vitamin B, E, and K and several mineral salts, including iron, sodium, phosphorous, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. They have remineralising, bactericidal, antiviral, tonifying and freshening properties; help liver and nervous system to keep their balance and strengthen the immune system. What’s important, though, is

Fruits and vegetables in season by month: February

Fruits and vegetables in season by month: February

February is the best month to begin cleansing the body from toxins accumulated during the winter: let’s start every meal with a detox salad with fennels, leeks and turnips seasoned with extra virgin olive oil and a pinch of salt. At the end of the month, you can collect early small and tender dandelion leaves,

The multi-coloured beauty of the world’s indigenous cultures, through Jimmy Nelson’s photographs

The multi-coloured beauty of the world’s indigenous cultures, through Jimmy Nelson’s photographs

Photography has always had the incredible power of touching the hearts of people of all nationalities, languages and ages, while being a tool to create awareness on the most varied issues. And this is what British photographer and photojournalist Jimmy Nelson is trying to do by visiting the Planet’s remaining indigenous cultures. Through his lens, he shows us the value