First Lützerath, then Davos: how Greta Thunberg revitalised the climate fight
First the protests in the mud at Lützerath, then a more traditional appearance at Davos. In January, Greta Thunberg brought focus to where it matters most.
Dopo essere diventata popolare in tutto il mondo grazie al discorso che ha tenuto alla Cop24, la conferenza sul clima di Katowice del 2018, la giovane attivista svedese Greta Thunberg continua la sua lotta contro i cambiamenti climatici manifestando ogni venerdì davanti al parlamento svedese, scioperando da scuola, per chiedere al suo governo e a tutti i governi azioni concrete. Sul suo esempio, sono nati decine di comitati in tutto il mondo, Italia compresa, #fridaysforfuture: composti da giovani che vogliono che venga garantito loro il futuro.
First the protests in the mud at Lützerath, then a more traditional appearance at Davos. In January, Greta Thunberg brought focus to where it matters most.
On 14th January, thousands of people protested against the expansion of the Lützerath coal mine. And the police detained Greta Thunberg.
Young Ugandan activist Vanessa Nakate has become a spokesperson for the African people who are suffering most because of the climate crisis.
If we want to limit the rise of average global temperatures to 1.5 degrees, we can emit only a limited amount of CO2. This is the carbon budget.
The latest updates on the strikes and events being held around the world for the global day of climate action on 25 September.
Licypriya Kangujam is raising her voice against climate inaction: her campaigning even led two Indian states to adopt climate change as a school subject.
Time magazine’s 100 Women of the Year project sheds light on influential women’s stories, from Amelia Earhart to Greta Thunberg. A selection of some of the greats for International Women’s Day.