Those who fight for the climate have no choices: it’s a matter of survival
It’s not possible to prevent people from fighting for the climate. Naomi Klein talked at the Climate Action Zone, Paris. Here’s what she said.
It’s not possible to prevent people from fighting for the climate. Naomi Klein talked at the Climate Action Zone, Paris. Here’s what she said.
Angela Merkel is Time’s Person of the Year 2015, the first woman to be chosen since 1986. The announcement was made on the 9th of December by the weekly US news magazine founded in 1923. Its Managing Editor Nancy Gibbs explained that she was chosen: “For asking more of her country than most politicians would
The global climate agreement being discussed in Paris should keep the focus on gender equality, in terms of participation and recognition of the role women play in fostering changes. This is what hass been asked by the United Nations through its Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women). The day dedicated
Earlier in 2015, the Canadian writer and journalist Naomi Klein has published a book that became a manifesto on climate change and capitalism, entitled This Changes Everything. She starts with the basic assumption that without a radical change in the way world population lives, produces and manages its economic activities, there is no way to avoid environmental destruction.
Mathangi “Maya” Arulpragasam, better known as M.I.A., has released the video of her new song Borders, launched last week. The videoclip, directed by M.I.A. herself and shared via Apple Music, features the British artist of Tamil origins with a crowd of refugees climbing barbed wire fences while fleeing their home countries in small boats. The video represents
A few days before the beginning of COP21, the conference on climate to take place in Paris from 30 November, more than 300 artists and leading personalities in the international creative industry signed an open letter addressed to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and President of COP21 as well as to the UNFCCC (United Nation framework
La nazione balcanica ha deciso di far passare sul proprio territorio solo i migranti provenienti da paesi in guerra. Gli altri restano bloccati.
In 2010 Qatar beat the United States in the bid to host one of the biggest sporting events of the next decade, the 2022 World Cup, in a process many say was riddled with corruption. Another, perhaps darker scandal relates to the human rights violations taking place on Qatari construction sites. Whilst the small oil-rich
I’m Rumanian, why do you call me Rom? Why are you a very Catholic country and still so blasphemous? These are just some of the questions that some migrants of the Gruppo Laici Terzo Mondo and the Centro di Accoglienza per Richiedenti Asilo of Marechiaro, Italy, asked to Italians. Their questions are many, but all earnest.
Nepal has elected, on 28 October, its second president since it became a democratic republic in 2008. For the first time the president is a woman. Bidhya Devi Bhandari, 54, of the Unified Communist Party of Nepal, has been elected thanks to the vote of 327 members of Parliament against 214. As in other countries, the