Pangolin scales will no longer be used in traditional Chinese medicine
China has removed pangolin scales from the list of approved ingredients for use in traditional Chinese medicine.
China has removed pangolin scales from the list of approved ingredients for use in traditional Chinese medicine.
The relationship between the coronavirus and wildlife is complex: while the pandemic may lead to a reduction in the illegal trade in wild animals, it may also encourage it in other respects.
NGO Free the Bears has opened a mountain sanctuary for moon bears in Laos. With the government’s help, it aims to close all bile farms by 2022.
The Bokeo Region of north-western Laos hosts a 10,000 hectare area known as the Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone (GT SEZ), which has belonged to Hong Kong-based firm Kings Romans since 2007, when the company signed a 75-year contract (extendable to 99 years) with an 80 per cent stake in the operation. This transformed the area into an
South Sudan has banned all forms of wildlife hunting, the National Conservation Agency stated. A progressive step for a country still facing civil war.
The first NGO that puts an intelligence network at the service of the planet. People who work in the shadows to eradicate poaching and save elephants along with other endangered species. This is the Elephant Action League, and we spoke to its founder Andrea Crosta.
These are the top news stories of 2017 and the people who have most left a mark on a year that has been intense yet also rewarding from the point of view of social and environmental sustainability.
A group of award-winning photographers has joined forces to show the true face of the illegal wildlife trade. The Photographers Against Wildlife Crime project aims to raise awareness on its cruelty and celebrate the heroes committed to ending it.
In dieci anni, tra il 2004 e il 2014, in Gabon i bracconieri hanno ucciso oltre 25mila elefanti, mettendo a serio rischio la sopravvivenza della specie.
L’obiettivo della ricorrenza è diffondere la consapevolezza sui rischi che corre il pangolino e far conoscere questo buffo animale al grande pubblico.