A huge win for the Sioux: the Dakota Access Pipeline has been blocked
Riconosciuti i rischi ambientali del progetto Dakota access pipeline. Una vittoria per i sioux e tutti gli nativi americani. Ma la lotta potrebbe non essere finita.
Riconosciuti i rischi ambientali del progetto Dakota access pipeline. Una vittoria per i sioux e tutti gli nativi americani. Ma la lotta potrebbe non essere finita.
Il papà di Diana Rios è stato fatto a pezzi perché difendeva la foresta. Anche lei rischia la vita, ma non ha rinunciato a partecipare alla Cop 21.
La sopravvivenza della tribù brasiliana degli Yanomami è a rischio a causa dei minatori. Survival ha diffuso nuove immagini per attirare l’attenzione sul genocidio delle tribù incontattate.
KBK is the short form referring to the region comprising the Kalahandi, Bolangir and Koraput districts of India’s eastern state of Odisha. News on acute poverty leading to child-selling and starvation deaths in the region prompted Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi to visit these districts in the 1980s and inaugurate several poverty alleviation schemes. None of
It has been four years since the Inter-American Court of Human Rights found Ecuador guilty of granting the ancestral land of the Sarayaku in concession to an oil and gas company. The community of about 1,200 indigenous Kichwa people is situated along the Bobonaza River, in the southern part of the Ecuadorian Amazon. In 2012, the Court reaffirmed the right of
Bertha Isabel Zúniga Cáceres is the daughter of Berta Cáceres, Honduran environmental activist committed to protecting indigenous rights and cofounder of COPINH, the Civil Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras. Winner of the Goldman Environmental Prize 2015 for opposing the construction of a hydroelectric dam that threatens to destroy the sacred river of the Lenca
Il land grabbing, la deforestazione e altri crimini ambientali sono entrati a far parte della lista dei reati classificati come crimini contro l’umanità, secondo la Corte penale internazionale.
The case of Awas Tingni, a small indigenous Mayangna community in Nicaragua, made history. This year the community celebrates fifteen years since it won the case in Inter-American Court of Human Rights (I-A Court), which ruled that the government should given them entitlement over their ancestral lands – also in order to protect them from exploitation at the
India recently completed 69 years as an independent nation. Over these years the country has made progress in almost all fields and has become the world’s fastest growing economy. But the country still struggles to attain freedom from hunger and overcome the issue of malnutrition that results in the loss of about 3 million young
Dopo aver perso la battaglia legale contro l’oleodotto Dakota access pipeline, i sioux ottengono ail sostegno di Barack Obama che blocca la costruzione.