The bumblebees’ last flight: climate change is decimating them
Secondo una ricerca il riscaldamento globale sta rendendo inadatte alla vita dei bombi le regioni più meridionali del loro abituale areale.
Secondo una ricerca il riscaldamento globale sta rendendo inadatte alla vita dei bombi le regioni più meridionali del loro abituale areale.
Marco, you are a beekeeper hobbyist, since you actually have another job. Why do you have this passion? Everything started about 10 years ago when I first met a man, a 70-year-old beekeeper who let me discover an amazing brand new world. Thanks to him I decided to attend technical courses in order to learn
The street artist Louis Michel decided to help those dedicated to raise people’s awareness on problems and risks bees and pollinators have to face, with the project Save the Bees. The artist came up with the idea after a journey in South Africa, where he realised wall paintings of species threatened with extinction. He
Entomophagy, a diet consisting of insects, is a practice at which Westeners look with disgust. Yet, it is not the same in many regions of the world, including Mexico, Japan and Australia, where insects don’t represent a food taboo, but rather a tasty and high-in-protein alternative to meat. According to Maurizio Paoletti of the
How can we defend ourselves against these bothersome insects? Here are some natural remedies that work better than insecticides and are good for our health.
A few peoples appreciates food items that other peoples hate. Which are food taboos in the different countries of the world?