Livio Senigalliesi on the hard truths captured in 40 years of photojournalism
Photojournalist Livio Senigalliesi tells his story, from the Yugoslav Wars to the Balkan Route. And through two videos, one created with journalist Raffaele Masto.
Photojournalist Livio Senigalliesi tells his story, from the Yugoslav Wars to the Balkan Route. And through two videos, one created with journalist Raffaele Masto.
Already torn apart by desertification, Burkina Faso also faces the terrorist threat. Attacks exacerbate inter-communal clashes and drive people to flee. Read the second part of the reportage on a country fighting for land and integrity.
La guerra in Siria dura ormai da sei anni: ecco le dieci date spartiacque di un conflitto che ha provocato 321mila morti e quasi cinque milioni di profughi.
A minibus driven by female doctors who are fleeing from the Islamic State becomes a mobile clinic for all women living in camps located in the country’s remotest areas.
Lanciata una vasta operazione militare da parte delle forze irachene e internazionali. Obiettivo: riprendere la città di Mosul, dal 2014 in mano all’Isis.
Sono più di cinquemila le vittime, tra morti e feriti in Afghanistan, dall’inizio dell’anno. Le Nazioni Unite lanciano l’allarme, parlando di “cifre record”.
Orlando, a city in Florida of over a quarter million inhabitants, was theatre to a shooting that killed 50 people in the early hours of Sunday the 12th of June. The attack took place in a gay nightclub, Pulse, and was perpetrated by 29-year-old Omar Mateen, who was shot and killed by Orlando police. At the
Il bilancio provvisorio è di oltre cinquanta morti e altrettanti feriti. L’esplosione in un quartiere sciita di Bagdad, in Iraq.
The Palestinian national flag has been banned from the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest. In the list of banned flags, there’s also the terrorist organisation ISIS. 46 European countries will take part in the 2016 edition, which final will be held on the 14th of May in Stockholm, Sweden. So, during the event, the flag of the Middle East
Il 19 aprile inaugura l’installazione che vede la ricostruzione in 3D dell’arco di trionfo di Palmira a Trafalgar Square, Londra. Con una tecnologia che è anche un po’ italiana