Ocean Cleanup becomes a reality: tonnes of plastic will be removed from world’s oceans
Dopo anni di progettazione, di presentazioni e di premi, l’idea di Boyan Slat diventa realtà in Giappone. Ecco cosa significa avere 20 anni e un sogno.
Dopo anni di progettazione, di presentazioni e di premi, l’idea di Boyan Slat diventa realtà in Giappone. Ecco cosa significa avere 20 anni e un sogno.
We’ve already talked about the flowering of sakura in Japan, and about hanami. All that’s left is to enjoy this stunning high-definition video of blossoming cherry trees that shows the extraordinary beauty Japanese people can admire during the spring. The footage is by Gaijin Tips.
Sakura means cherry tree in Japanese. Hanami is a yearly tradition celebrated in the capital, Tokyo, and other cities where these plants decorate the streets, and takes place between the end of March and the beginning of April. The object of everyone’s attention is the thousand-year-old recurrence of cherry trees blossoming, which captivates the entire
In Japan, with the tempura batter is used mainly to prepare seasonal vegetables, shrimps and squids, on rare occasion meat. Tempura is a particularly light kind of frying technique, with which luscious and crunchy food is prepared. And it is easy to prepare, if you know the basic rules to make it. The batter