Tanzania sides with trophy hunters and tourists evicting the Maasai
The government of Tanzania is currently planning to evict more than 80.000 indigenous Maasai people from their ancenstral land
The government of Tanzania is currently planning to evict more than 80.000 indigenous Maasai people from their ancenstral land
Influential scientist, activist and author Vandana Shiva fights to protect biological and cultural diversity, and against GMOs.
Ecocide is a crime against the Earth and, therefore, human beings. The battle to recognise environmental offences as international crimes continues.
So-called development projects in the Lower Omo Valley, including a dam and sugar plantations, have come at an unbearable cost for indigenous communities. Elizabeth Fraser, Senior Policy Analyst at the Oakland Institute, on why the only way forward is for Ethiopia to address such abuse.
Indigenous Maasai people have been ordered to leave their homeland in Tanzania’s Serengeti Park for it to be turned into a hunting ground for tourists, a report highlights.
Il land grabbing è finito davanti alla sbarra grazie a Richard Rodgers che ha denunciato i numerosi abusi di potere commessi in Cambogia. L’intervista.
Cos’è il land grabbing e dove si pratica. Ma soprattutto quali sono i danni all’ambiente e alle comunità locali che popolano le terre del sud del mondo.
Eliseu Lopes has been in Italy to talk about the dangers that indigenous Guaraní people are facing in Brazil in order to survive.
Il land grabbing, la deforestazione e altri crimini ambientali sono entrati a far parte della lista dei reati classificati come crimini contro l’umanità, secondo la Corte penale internazionale.
Tanzanian activist, community leader and Maasai tribe member Edward Loure won the Goldman Environmental Prize for Africa in April 2016 for his efforts securing the land rights of Tanzanian indigenous people. For years he has been fighting to demonstrate that native people are good stewards of the land and local ecosystems. The Goldman Prize is the