Google’s ‘visionary’ plan to double the number of employees riding bikes
The Google Bike Vision Plan was created with a clear goal in mind: double the number of employees riding bicycles.
The Google Bike Vision Plan was created with a clear goal in mind: double the number of employees riding bicycles.
An ambitious investment plan will increase Luxembourg’s cycling lanes by 40%: 840 km by 2021.
The 2015 Copenhagenize Index gives cities marks for their efforts and the results they’ve obtained in establishing the bicycle as a socially accepted form of transport: Copenhagen edges Amsterdam into first place.
Revolights Eclipse+ is a bicycle light system formed by LEDs that is mounted to the wheels. It signals turns and when you’re braking and it collects information via a smartphone app.
There are some countries that are promoting the use of bicycles by building highways for cyclists. Here are five places where these are being constructed.
A young start-up company based in Turin created a GPS antitheft device for bicycles that can be monitored via smartphone. Sherlock is the only Italian project presented at the British Parliament.
The 2016 CES show that took place in Las Vegas presents a few products that could revolutionise how bicycles are used in the future. We’ve chosen five.
The Netherlands amaze us all again: a tunnel for cyclists and pedestrians has been built underneath Amsterdam’s central railway station to quickly reach the trains, buses and ferries.
Germany has decided to go one step further and, instead of opting for traditional cycling lanes, has chosen to build highways open to cyclists. Bicycles are becoming alternative and competitive means of transport in cities, which are also more and more traffic-congested, resulting in stressful driving conditions. But in case you want to move from
Three months are enough to come to know China’s different aspects. Daniele Carletti and Simona Pergola, the Italian couple that has been travelling around the world by bike since July 2014, after postponing their departure from China, decided that their next destination will be Indochina. After going down the Tibetan mountains, they carried out