Bugalicious, eating insects for sustainability

Bugalicious, eating insects for sustainability

In many parts of the world bugs are consumed as a healthy delicacy. Slimy, creepy critters already form part of the daily diet of at least 2 billion people worldwide. Prepared correctly, eating insects can be a delicious and nutritious food source.     Now you probably enjoy a cheeseburger as much as the next

Why cutting down on meat is good for the climate

Why cutting down on meat is good for the climate

What is the main cause of global warming? 14.5 per cent of total CO2 emissions are generated by farm animals and dairies. Though it could seem a reasonable figure, it’s more than the CO2 emitted by all cars, trucks, ships and airplanes together, on the whole planet. These data are shown in the video Do you have

The risks of factory farming

The risks of factory farming

Industrial cattle farming is carried out with a clear commercial purpose: the production of the largest amount of meat possible. Here are some risks this farming method brings about.

Vegetarian meatloaf

Vegetarian meatloaf

Ingredients for 4-6 people 400 g of potatoes 300 g of French beans 2 carrots 2 courgettes 3 eggs 2 leeks 1 onion 4 spoonfuls of tomato pulp 180 g of grated Parmesan cheese 2 spoonfuls of minced parsley breadcrumbs 1 clove of garlic nutmeg black pepper to grind extra virgin olive oil