The roots of Boko Haram and why its terrorist advance won’t stop
Recent attacks by Boko Haram in Nigeria show that its hold is still strong. A look at the history and current status of the the extremist terrorist group.
Recent attacks by Boko Haram in Nigeria show that its hold is still strong. A look at the history and current status of the the extremist terrorist group.
The United Nations World Food Programme has been awarded the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize for its work in the fight against hunger.
A tanker exploded at a gas and petrol station in Nigeria’s Nasarawa state on the 10th of September, killing 35 people and leaving some burned beyond recognition; 3 citizens had several spine and brain injuries, 2 of them are still on Intesive Care Units. Fela Habila , a local singer, is now stable and out of danger but
The Nigerian community of Aggah has been flooded due to the operations of a company controlled by Eni. It is seeking justice in Italy where the crucial decisions affecting its village are being taken.
https://youtu.be/i_K3a9Q_AO4 The passing of seasons is a natural phenomenon – but not in this case. June to September in the Sahel – an area in Africa that separates the Sahara desert to the north and the savanna to the south, and that crosses the continent from east to west – is the hunger season. This year
The Munduruku block the Tapajós dam, Brazil The hydroelectric São Luiz do Tapajós dam would have been one of Brazil’s largest. It was planned to alter the course of the Tapajós River, one of the Amazon River’s largest tributaries, inundating over 700 square kilometres, including of Munduruku land. But it won’t go ahead. Together with organisations such as Greenpeace and Survival International the
Lettera a Emmanuel, scampato ad un attentato in Nigeria, alle violenze in Libia, alla traversata del Mediterraneo. Ucciso nelle Marche perché nero.
After decades of legal battles, the government of Nigeria announced the launch of a huge clean-up plan in the Niger Delta, which was once destroyed by oil drilling activities. It’s an unprecedented operation that will take 25 to 30 years to be completed and will have an estimated cost of a billion dollars. The victory comes 20 years
4 in 2014, 44 last year alone. The number of children used as suicide bombers by terrorist group Boko Haram – operating in Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, and Niger – is dramatically increasing. The warning has been issued by a report of UNICEF, published 2 years from 14 April 2014, when 276 schoolgirls were abducted by terrorists
Almeno 86 persone sono state uccise dal gruppo integralista islamico Boko Haram. Tre donne kamikaze si sono fatte esplodere.