Africa’s Great Green Wall: a bursting dream?
A giant vegetation barrier to stop desertification: The Great Green Wall is the world’s most ambitious project to fight the impact of climate change. Why it is struggling to reach its potential.
A giant vegetation barrier to stop desertification: The Great Green Wall is the world’s most ambitious project to fight the impact of climate change. Why it is struggling to reach its potential.
Hostilities between Morocco and the Sahrawi people over control of Western Sahara defy a 1991 peace treaty that hasn’t been brought to fruition.
Si chiama Sahara Marathon ed è una maratona tra i campi profughi di Tindouf, in Algeria. Una volta all’anno ci ricorda che la decolonizzazione in Africa non è ancora finita.
King Mohammed VI opens what will become the largest concentrating solar power plant in the world when completed. Three projects that, combined with the photovoltaic phase (Noor IV), will make Noor Ouarzazate, Morocco, world’s largest multi-technology solar production site.
Located outside the city of Ouarzazate, the plant will have a surface area equivalent to that of Morocco’s capital, Rabat and will generate 580 megawatts (MW) of electricity, the BBC reports. It employs a large number of moveable mirrors that can follow the sun’s path and harness sunlight to melt salt contained inside the structure’s circuit.
Lo confermano i progetti in Paesi come il Marocco, gli studi pubblicati su riviste scientifiche, le proiezioni dell’Agenzia internazionale dell’energia. È boom per il solare e per le rinnovabili.
The NGO Arte Fatto Onlus was founded in Milan in 2008 to encourage sustainable development through art, design and craftsmanship. It supports crafts men and women around the world to meet the demand for ethical fashion with the objective of improving their life conditions by offering training on design and business skills. The project “L’Oasi
As one of his last acts as Nigeria’s President, Goodluck Johnson signed the Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Act in May 2015, outlawing female genital cutting (FGC) in the whole country. Nigeria is home to a quarter of the 140 million women and girls who have undergone FGC globally, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO).
“The secret of my success? We’ve worked hard,” said Saad Lamjarred, the current most popular Arabic singer, to the interviewer of Al Arabiya. Born in 1985 from an artistic family, the Moroccan young man reached almost 23 million views on YouTube with his latest song “LM3ALLEM (The Boss)” in only 3 weeks, breaking a Guinnes
In the hammam you can take care of your body with different types of treatment including gommage, for a cleansed and healthy skin.