Doomsday Clock, in 2015 it’s only 3 minutes to the end of the world

Doomsday Clock, in 2015 it’s only 3 minutes to the end of the world

The last time the Doomsday clock has been moved dates back to 2012. 3 years ago, the scientists of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, non-scientific magazine founded in 1945, said to stop the Earth’s time at 11:55 p.m., only 5 minutes to the end of the world (midnight).     It is 3 minutes

Pharrell Williams and Al Gore present Live Earth 2015

Pharrell Williams and Al Gore present Live Earth 2015

In 2007, Al Gore,Vice President of the United States at the time, organised the Live Earth concert on 7 July. In the same year, Al Gore was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize together with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for their efforts in spreading awareness on climate change.   On 21 January 2015, at the World Economic Forum in

Pope Francis says climate change is caused by humankind

Pope Francis says climate change is caused by humankind

Even Pope Francis thinks that man is mainly responsible for climate change and for this reason he hopes that at the Paris Conference (Cop 21), which will take place from 30th November to 11th December 2015, courageous decisions will be made to protect the environment and climate.   The Pope is working on a long-awaited encyclical

Itinerary. Top 10 Italy’s most “appetizing” medieval villages

Itinerary. Top 10 Italy’s most “appetizing” medieval villages

The beauty of some medieval villages demonstrates that the Dark Ages were not so dark. In this period (from the Fifth century to the year one thousand), the agrarian economy and the feudalism encourage the rise of new settlements around abbeys and castles. Many Medieval cities and towns were notable for narrow and winding streets that wrapped themselves

Money doesn’t buy happiness: the map of happiness around the world proves it

Money doesn’t buy happiness: the map of happiness around the world proves it

Reach countries are the happiest ones? What is happiness grounded on? The Happy Planet Index tried to answer these questions in 2012. The index tries to measure citizens’ happiness depending on 3 criteria: the level of well-being experienced, life expectancy, and ecological footprint.   Results are clear.  They show an upside-down world: developing countries seem

The story of Rosetta and Philae: landed on a faraway comet

The story of Rosetta and Philae: landed on a faraway comet

On 12th November 2014, after ten years departing the Earth, the lander Philae, which accompanied the Rosetta spacecraft, landed on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P/C-G) 510 million kilometres away from our Planet. It’s the first time that men achieve in sending something on a comet surface. The landing lasted about seven hours. But Rosetta’s and Philae’s trip has

5 Hobbit houses to live in

5 Hobbit houses to live in

The Hobbit-holes, the dwellings of the fictional creatures created by J.R.R Tolkien, really exist. They are comfortable and ecological dwellings, perfectly integrated with the surrounding environment. Let’s see some of them below and don’t forget that you can also gte home insurance for this type of homes, for more tips click here   1- Økosamfundet Dyssekilde, Denmark