Pope Francis gives Donald Trump the encyclical on the environment
Papa Francesco ha ricevuto Donald Trump in Vaticano. Dopo un colloquio di 30 minuti gli ha regalato l’enciclica sull’ambiente, sulla cura della casa comune.
Papa Francesco ha ricevuto Donald Trump in Vaticano. Dopo un colloquio di 30 minuti gli ha regalato l’enciclica sull’ambiente, sulla cura della casa comune.
Come nei ruoli che interpreta, anche nella vita ha più e più volti. C’è il grande attore, finalmente premiato con l’Oscar. Quello delle modelle bionde. E quello impegnato per salvare il mondo. Ecco le tappe più belle della sua vita di ambientalista.
Over 1,000 indigenous peoples’ representatives from the North Pole to New Zealand reflected on the progress and challenges in safeguarding indigenous rights during the 16th session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues held at the international organisation’s headquarters in New York between the 24th of April and 5th of May. Calling for concrete action,
Nel Regno Unito la serie di documentari condotta da David Attenborough sta riscuotendo un successo maggiore dei talent show tra i più giovani.
Environmentalists and activists from all over the United States rallied on the 29th of April for the People’s Climate March in Washington DC and in sister marches organised throughout the nation. Last week, the country’s capital welcomed the March for Science and Earth Day rally but organisers say the People’s March was more overtly political, aimed
The ancient Mesoamerican civilisation of the Mayans worked out a common denominator linking planets’ cycles, human gestation cycles and the life cycles of maize. In other words they designed a calendar system broken down in 20 periods of 13 days, each with special flavour to it, linking the heart of heaven, the human heart and
Papa Francesco al Ted. Durante la conferenza che si è tenuta il 25 aprile a Vancouver, ha tenuto un talk e lanciato un messaggio fatto di “tenerezza”. Da vedere.
National Geographic photographer Paul Nicklen has opened his first gallery in the city of New York, United States. It focuses on animals, the environment and the risks they both face due to climate change through images shot in diverse areas of the world including the Arctic and Antarctica. I’m taking over the @pewenvironment account this week, starting today on
Supporters and enthusiasts will March for Science on the streets of the United States capital Washington DC on the 22nd of April: the occasion is Earth Day, established by the United Nations to celebrate our planet and act against the threats that face it. The motive is to protest neo-president Donald Trump‘s retrograde stance towards climate change and the environment.
One of Earth Day’s ambitious aims is to plant over a billion trees worldwide. To give something back to Mother Earth.