16 November is the International Day for Tolerance
Oggi è la Giornata mondiale della tolleranza, proclamata dalle Nazioni Unite per ricordare i principi ispiratori della Dichiarazione universale dei diritti dell’ uomo.
Oggi è la Giornata mondiale della tolleranza, proclamata dalle Nazioni Unite per ricordare i principi ispiratori della Dichiarazione universale dei diritti dell’ uomo.
The biography of the man who defeated apartheid and whose achievements keep being told in countless movies and songs: Nelson Mandela.
The biography of Martin Luther King Jr., the man who dedicated his life to the civil rights movement in the United States, including what his philosophy was, what he is famous for and how he changed the world.
Amnesty International has documented the state of human rights in 159 countries in 2016. And claims: “The rhetoric of ‘us against them’ is breeding division and fear”.
Lettera a Emmanuel, scampato ad un attentato in Nigeria, alle violenze in Libia, alla traversata del Mediterraneo. Ucciso nelle Marche perché nero.
The release of the album Call It What It Is has sparked interest all over Europe. A good reason to retrace Ben Harper’s musical career.
#OscarsSoWhite is a hashtag that aims to focus public attention on the role and talents of people of colour in the entertainment business. April Reign, Managing Editor of BroadwayBlack and Editor of NuTribeMagazine, launched the hashtag on the 15th of January last year in response to the lack of diversity among the 2015 Oscars nominations. The
Beyoncé’s latest video, Formation, and her show at the Super Bowl evoke the Black Panthers and have fuelled arguments about racism in the United States.
Every single one of the nominees in the acting categories of the 88th edition of the Oscars are white, just like last year. This has re-stoked a fire of controversy that has long burned at the heart of Hollywood, namely the absence of diversity among those chosen as the best performers of the year by