Costa Rica convicts those who killed an activist who protected sea turtles

Costa Rica convicts those who killed an activist who protected sea turtles

What makes environmental crimes even more dreadful is impunity. “Across the world environmental defenders are being shot dead in broad daylight, kidnapped, threatened, or tried as terrorists for standing in the way of so-called ‘development’,” said Billy Kyte, campaigner at Global Witness. “The true authors of these crimes – a powerful nexus of corporate and

Migrants, boat capsizes in the Mediterranean: 400 people have reportedly drowned

Migrants, boat capsizes in the Mediterranean: 400 people have reportedly drowned

Yet another boat tragedy occurred in the Mediterranean Sea, off the coasts of Egypt. Four boats carrying migrants capsized during their attempt of reaching Italy’s coasts. The first European news agency to spread the news was the Daily Mail, UK newspaper who quoted BBC Arabic.   LE #FOTO ANSA Il tragico salvataggio dei migranti

The Galapagos Islands create a new marine sanctuary to protect sharks

The Galapagos Islands create a new marine sanctuary to protect sharks

A new marine reserve aimed to protect the precious biodiversity of the Galapagos Islands. This is the latest decision made by Ecuador to safeguard the extraordinary wildlife populating the archipelago’s waters.   97 per cent of the Galapagos Islands had been already protected, being a World Heritage Site of UNESCO due to their importance in

How the giants of the ocean are doing

How the giants of the ocean are doing

While most species of large whales are recovering from the collapse caused by commercial exploitation in the past two centuries, some populations are still struggling. A recent report, authored by experts of the Marine Mammal Commission in the U.S., reviews their status and highlights the main threats that these giants of the oceans are currently