Why 2016 is the International Year of Pulses
The UN nominated 2016 the International year of pulses to celebrate the sustainability of grain legumes that are one of the main ingredients of the diet of the world’s most ancient peoples.
The UN nominated 2016 the International year of pulses to celebrate the sustainability of grain legumes that are one of the main ingredients of the diet of the world’s most ancient peoples.
Germany has decided to go one step further and, instead of opting for traditional cycling lanes, has chosen to build highways open to cyclists. Bicycles are becoming alternative and competitive means of transport in cities, which are also more and more traffic-congested, resulting in stressful driving conditions. But in case you want to move from
Will this week bring an agreement to keep the world from tipping into irreconcilable climate change? Perhaps, but regardless of the headlines from COP21, something very important is happening. Some of the biggest gains for the environment are happening on the streets of urban areas the world over. Cities at COP21 and beyond are already
Three months are enough to come to know China’s different aspects. Daniele Carletti and Simona Pergola, the Italian couple that has been travelling around the world by bike since July 2014, after postponing their departure from China, decided that their next destination will be Indochina. After going down the Tibetan mountains, they carried out
Citizens around the world will march together on November 29th, by foot or bike, to call for action against climate change. The event was announced by 130 organisations, gathered in the Climate Coalition, on the eve of Paris Conference of Parties that was established in order for the UN member countries to reach a binding
Give me a bike and I’ll bring peace to the world. This could be a slogan for the initiative Bike4Truce started by OLOS Foundation, that has been committing itself for years to reach a truce and stop wars during the Olympic Games. The Olympic truce should be declared through a resolution adopted by the UN
In the Netherlands there are far many bicycles so much so they took up all the racks as well as public areas in big cities. That’s why the Dutch cycling embassy, a public private network operating in the field of urban planning and mobility in the Netherlands, is collaborating with the Dutch railway company to promote Ov-fiets, a
Chiusi i cancelli dell’Esposizione, ora alcuni dei padiglioni in legno certificato Pefc avranno una seconda vita.
Una rivoluzione verde quella che sta coinvolgendo i centri di molte città europee. Puntando su trasporto pubblico, ciclabile e sullo sharing.
Smartphones and bicycles instead of cars. This is what teenagers these days prefer, while, on the contrary, in former times, young people craved to pass their driving test and get a car, as a means to become more independent adults. So, it’s not due to diesel emissions scandal that Germans don’t drive as they did